Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Green Thoughts II

I ran across this post on the ring wing news.

I like the suggestion about a killing spree. Suggestion #8
But my question is you don’t like guns so how are you going to do this?
I mean you will want to target conservatives because everyone knows they are the one that want to kill the planet. The problem is conservatives are backed by the NRA, so they like guns, they own guns and are probably pretty good with them. So if you shoot at them they will definitely shoot back and I would bet they are better shoots. No wait that’s a good idea, your goal would be achieved; someone would die and reduce the amount of people on the planet. The bad news; you would probably be the one that would die.
Just let me know were your going to be doing this, I want to watch.
Really that would help the planet

Thanks MelissaClouthier.com I needed the laugh.

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